SteamBoat Test (try it out)

What kind of season will you enjoy eating steamboat?

A. Winter ( To Qn 2)

B. Summer (To Qn 5)

C. No matter what season (To Qn 1)

1. Do you like to have some sauce on your food?

A. Like (To Qn 2)

B. Don't like (To Qn 5)

2. Will you add eggs in your steamboat soup?

A. Yes (To Qn 3)

B. No (To Qn 6)

3. If you find a cigaratte butt in ur steamboat food, what will you do?

A. Quarrel with the boss and request another new one. (To Qn 13)

B. Stop eating and just pay and go. (To Qn 10)

4. What is the main point ypu will consider for choosing a steamboat restaurant?

A. Famous ( To Qn 7)

B. Reasonable prices ( To Qn 8)

5. If the steamboat restaurant has a new product of steamboat, will you dare to try?

A. Yes ( To Qn 6)

B. No ( To Qn 8)

6. How many people do you like to have your steamboat meal with?

A. 2-3 soulmates ( To Qn 9)

B. A big group of friends ( To Qn 3)

7. If the steamboat restaurant is very crowded, will you wait for a seat or go to another place?

A. Wait ( To Qn 11)

B. Proceed to another one ( To Qn 12)

8. What kind of food you like to add?

A. Noodle ( To Qn 9)

B. Vermicilli "Tang hoon" ( To Qn 7)

9. Will you drink the soup first or finish all the ingredients in the bowl then drink the soup?

A. Drink the soup first ( To Qn 10)

B. Eat the ingredients first ( To Qn 12)

10. If the boss tells you that you must add some SPECIAL and ODD ingredient in the soup to make it more delicious, will you dare to add?

A. Yes ( To Qn 17)

B. No ( To Qn 13)

11. Will you drink a cup of cooling water after you finish this steamy hot meal?

A. Yes ( To Qn 15)

B. No ( To Qn 14)

12. When you are having your steamboat, do you put in your meat first or put in later?

A. Put it once the steamboat start ( To Qn 15)

B. Later part then put ( To Qn 11)

13. Do you like to put all types of food at one go into the steamboat or have it put in one type by one type?

A. All ( To Qn 17)

B. One type at a time ( To Qn 16)

14. What drink will you like to go with your meal?

A. Oolong Tea ( To Qn 16)

B. Plum juice ( Type A)

15. Do you like to have steamboat at home or outside?

A. Home ( To Qn 16)

B. Outside ( To Qn 14)

16. Will you mind if another customer is standing behind you, waiting for you while you are finishing your food?

A. Mind ( Type B)

B. Don't mind ( Type C)

17. You are already very full with your meal but the boss offer to let you have another steamboat meal, will you eat it?

A. Yes (Type D)

B. No ( To Qn 16)


Shy, a bit of an introvert. You are more stubborn and like to stay alone quietly at home. To you, talking to strangers is a hard thing so you have not much friends. But you will still have some soulmates. You need to treasure people who care and love you. You are more interested in your own matters, you will try your very best to achieve your target. But you can't do everything alone, and just depend on yourself, learn to open up and accept other opinions. Try to get along with different people.

You are a more active person, drawing a clear line between happiness and unhappiness. You are more quick-tempered. If you encounter things you like, you will do it without second thought. But once you encounter things that you hate, you will wish to get out of it as soon as possible. As you are a person of your own views, the friends you tend to have will be of the same pattern. But once good friends, you will understand them a lot and go all the way to help then. Friends are very dependent on you. As you are too emotional, you may make a storm out of a teacup with your friends. You must learn to do things in order and not give up easily. You can try making friends with those you don't think you can get along with, don't stick with the same category. This will make you more popular and charming.

Gentle like a lamb. You have a high level of adaptance power, easy to get along with people. Very popular in social life but seems that no one will talk bad about you. You hate to have conflicts with people so you
always try to adapt to everyone. You treat every person differently. To look at the bright side, you adapt easily. But to look at the dark side, you lack of character, although you are one big nice guy but you lack of charm. On the surface, you have a lot of friends but once you have troubles, you lack of soulmates to help you around. You must try to express yourself more and be more decisive. In this way, you can understand yourself more.

You are stubborn, like to go in circles and don't get to the point. Once you decide on something, no one can change your mind. You are a good leader in a group so you win a lot of trust from your friends. But as you
are too persistant on your own thinking, you neglect other people's suggestions therefore you can easily make enemies. Although it is good to maintain your own character but it doesn't mean you totally ignore other people's thoughts and feelings. You will let people think you are hard to handle and you will lose friends gradually and may end up alone. You need to learn to accept other people's opinion. This will make your social circle bigger and you will understand yourself better

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Long awaited Moment

After so long, waiting and complaining and stress, I have FINALLY TENDER my resignation. At last I have the guts to resign. Ha ha ha ha. This took me VERY long to do create that damn letter and pass it to my manager. Haii…I am disappointed at myself. Anyway, there has been a lot of trouble and I have faces a numerous misery trials when I am in the company. Therefore, I think it is time to move on and face another challenge before I get to comfortable there (Which I think that feeling is starting to emerge).

With that decision, I have tender without a job to back up. Some of you may think that I am CRAZY to tender without a job, which makes your opinion same with my parents and most colleague, I think it is worth the while. For your information, my company require us to give TWO and I mean REALLY “2” months notice before you can really leave the company. Most of the companies out there required only one month but for some reason, my company needs TWO month. If I were to leave earlier than 2 month, I am required to compensate the company back with my salary. For that reason, I do not want to waste my salary on them... I am kind of taking the risk and if I do not get any job by the end of the month, I will just have to treat it as my “Long awaited Holiday” that I didn’t get from my current company. So give me your opinion whether it is good to take this risk or not. I want to know.

Since I have tender my letter, this means I am currently looking for a job. I am looking for a job which have something to do with design. If you guys have a vacancy in your company or any where, please do drop by a note to me. I would like to try my luck to find out whether I am still fit to be designer back. After 2 years away from the field, I know I will be counted as OUT-dated. However, I would still like to try my luck. Maybe… Maybe just one small company out there is willing to take me in their care. ^_^

Anyway, I am still busy with my portfolio. Have to start to create some new works and hope they will impress the interviewer. At the same time think of a way to play my online game. Ha ha ha. I am still a game idiot. Since Ragnarok Online have another free sever again, I will spend my bored time with it. But most of the time I will be running here and there to look for a good internet cafe to play. The phone line / streamyx still suck at my area. Or it is only I have that problem. I seem to DC all the time. The longest record I have was 1 hour while the shortest one was about 30 seconds. There are a few people told me that it could me the house phone cable. That makes it worst. I can’t call the landlord to fix his house phone cable. Haii...

Another thing that I am worried about is the salary of the new job. Will I be able to support myself? And it is far from my current place? My rental now is quite cheap but the situation in the house is bad. If I were to move out, I am sure I will not be able to get another cheap room like this. Anyway I have complained too much. Better stop now before all things seep out without control. ^ 0 ^

Btw, I would like to get some comments on the photography picture I took and upload into the album. It is the scenery from Redang. I have minimized the picture to a smaller file. Please Comment. I will love to know your opinion on it.

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