My new Blog

Helo.. This is the will be a new opening of my blog. Becasue of some memory problem. i have forgotten my password to the pervious acct.. so i have to start a new one. Fear not for it will still be like the previous one..

Here is the previous post i have written:

To who so ever will read this blog...

i pity u.. muahahha because i will write crap and stuff that u may not want to hear and read about.. some times, i may not even update it. and i have no idea how long will this blog last.. but i will sure to write for the mean time.. maybe... this inter will last until i grew too old and have too many childrens to mess wit.. Who knows. I may not even have one.So for now, this is the grand or so call grand opening of my blog. Soon I will have to redesign my website and make a blog there. This blog will contain my stories.. about life, intrest, complains, opinion and maybe some weird issuse.

Sorry for the trouble. thx for reading

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aris tee said...

haha.. good lo, u start a blog. i started sometime back when still in college, but dat time no updating wan. now got update a lot... :-p