WTF happen to Steamx...

My main problem today is THE STREAMX!!!!!! How can they be so BAD to me!!! I can't even load my email acct! Hell. How can I do my work like this? Of all days, today they have to break down. So heartless!! I cannot live with out my internet!!

Actually… I was downloading my anime and comic that I have missed out a few days ago. **Shy off and hid behind the monitor** Well every one have their own interest that they have to do every day, Right? I can live with out manga but I can live without touching the computer or sleep. Usual me, Piggy of the house. Can’t help it for I am born to be lazy.

Any way, I have been busy looking for a job in Singapore and KL and mom have been busy nagging me about what I should wear for the interview and so on. She even suggests bringing me go to the Salon just to wash my long hair.

“You have to be very need. First impression is very important. Must wear the skirt to the interview, ok?”

Ya ya ya. I know I have to be neat for the first interview. Basic knowledge but go to salon and spend RM 30 for trimming and washing? No way I am going to do it. I might as well stay at home and try fixing my lack-of-maturity portfolio. You might think that it is a good suggestion but I don. I am too stingy to go and waste RM 30 for a short-hair-trim-wash and do not see any different when I come out of the salon. For most people that knew me, wearing skirts is not my style and I do not think I will look good in skirt. I prefer pants more that skirt. If you guys want to see me in skirt, wait until I get married. Hahahaha. Then you will have an opportunity to look at me with a very long skirt. Maybe in the future you will see me change but for now… No Skirts. I am no damsel. I am a weird gal and not yet a woman.

Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise
From the outward things, whate'er you may believe.
There is an inmost centre in us all,
Where truth abides in fulness; and around,
Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in,
This perfect, clear perception - which is truth.

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aris tee said...

haha... i wan to see u wear skirt. i think cute lei, why you dun like? :-p anyway, hope u can find job... and wash la the hair... once onli ma, 4 good impression...

Daffy said...

ooo i tot u can actually live without sleeping wan hahaha ...
hehe heck. i wouldnt mind if i m given 30 bucks to go wash my hair or smth hhahaha... Y not rite? Go get a new haircut.. and then the washing pula.. maybe go home and wash hahaha..
anyway, how did da interview go?? Hope u get a job soon and belanja meee!!! ;P


Anonymous said...

hehe..belanja me also..dun u dare to forget me >"<

Lester xD